Course Information
If a textbook is required a asterisk will be marked next to the course name.
All ETFO AQ courses are asynchronous and consist of 125 hours of work.
Schedule C are one-session AQ courses and Schedule D are three-session AQ programs offered as Part 1, Part 2 and Specialist courses. A list of all Schedule C and D courses can be found on the OCT website.
Yes. Check out the ETFO AQ Credentialing program page to learn more.
The course fee for all ETFO AQs is $685.00 per course (tax deductible). This includes a $100.00 non-refundable administration fee. The French as a Second Language Proficiency test is $90.00 and is not tax deductible.
ETFO AQ does not provide transcripts as we are not a post-secondary institution. However, a Letter of Successful Completion is provided upon successful completion of an AQ course.
For out-of-province certification/applications, please request a Statement of Professional Standing from the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) as unofficial transcripts, online printouts, Statement of Grades, photocopies, facsimiles, scans, etc., are not acceptable.
The academic supervisory officer is the superintendent or assistant superintendent assigned to your school board. For a teacher employed by a private school or First Nations Education Authority, the supervisory officer is the Ministry of Education official appointed to provide supervisory services for the school authority. Contact the Field Services Branch, Ministry of Education for more information.
You will need a Supervisory Officer’s signature on your teaching experience forms for Part 2, and Specialist courses. Without this form, ETFO will not submit your AQ to the Ontario College of Teachers.
All educators must contact the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO) for inquires related to salary grid increases.
Yes, all educators who are members of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) are welcome to enroll in our AQ courses. Prospective candidates should ensure they meet the prerequisites prior to enrolling in a course. Please see the OCT course prerequisites page for more details.
An AQ course refers to an Additional Qualification course. These courses are designed to provide ongoing professional learning for teachers and education workers. ETFO is accredited to offer one-part (Schedule C) and three-part (Schedule D) AQ courses.
An ABQ course refers to an Additional Basic Qualification course. These courses are designed to give teachers certification to teach in another division. ETFO does not provide ABQ courses as only a faculty of education can offer these courses.
Please refer to the Ontario College of Teachers’ website for more information regarding AQ and ABQ courses.
We do not accept unsolicited applications for AQ course instructors. Please check the ETFO website for any current calls for instructors which are posted when there is a need.
Applicants should have extensive experience in course facilitation and online delivery of teacher professional learning. This experience should include but may not be limited to:
- Current ETFO member
- Experience facilitating online discussion, knowledge building, and collaboration
- Experience using Desire2Learn and/or BrightSpace
- Demonstrated understanding of adult learning principles and online facilitation
- Two specialist qualifications and/or equivalent in the content area
- Leadership at local, board, and/or system level
ETFO AQ uses a secure portal to distribute tax receipts (T2202 Tuition and Enrollment Certificates). Please refer to your end of course email for information. Tax receipts are made available after the end of the calendar year, the following February.
A tax receipt is issued for the year in which a course was completed not purchased.
Once issued, tax receipts can be accessed via our secure portal within the ETFO AQ D2L Learning Platform.
An email will be sent to candidates with instructions on how to retrieve their tax receipt(s).
The ETFO Provincial Office does not offer subsidies. Contact your ETFO local office to see if funding is available.
At the end of each session, ETFO AQ will submit the AQ to the OCT.
Note that it is the responsibility of the candidate to inform the college that the complementary education course has been completed. The OCT will not post the AQ until this form has been received.
The Consent Form for fulfilling Complementary Education conditions can be emailed, faxed, or mailed to the College.
At the end of each session, ETFO AQ will submit the AQ to the OCT. It can then take up to 16-weeks to add the Additional Qualification to your teaching certificate. Please visit the OCT website to read more about service delays.
Please note, the OCT manually reviews submissions for candidates with terms and conditions on their teaching certificates; therefore, it may take longer than 16 weeks in these instances.
If you are enrolled in a Part 2 AQ course and have previously submitted a teaching experience form verifying 194 days (one year) of teaching experience, there is no need to submit an additional form.
If you are enrolled in a Specialist course, you must submit a teaching experience form verifying 388 days (two years) of teaching experience. Some courses require one year of teaching experience be in the applicable course subject area.
Please check the course prerequisites for Specialist courses to ensure you have the necessary experience.
To register for an ETFO AQ course, please visit and within the course calendar, select the course that you would like to enroll in. Once there, click on the Register Now button.
Your Ontario College of Teachers number, SIN, and date/of/birth is required at time of registration.
If you do not have an ETFO AQ account, you will need to create one. If you need assistance with registering, please contact
Registration for ETFO AQ courses is done online. Payment is due at time of registration; we accept all major credit cards and PayPal.
Please click on the Register button for further information. If you need assistance with registering please contact
No. Candidates must have completed their Bachelor of Education to be eligible to take an AQ course.
Yes. Candidates with complementary education requirements that must be completed to convert their OCT certificate to permanent are eligible.
Yes, ETFO AQ will allow RECE, DECE, and ECEs to take Kindergarten Part 1, Part 2, Specialist or Primary Part 1, Part 2, Specialist if a Non-OCT Member Waiver form is submitted for approval at the time of registration to
Under this condition, ETFO AQ will not report successful completion of the course to the Ontario College of Teachers now, or at any time in the future, even if the candidate becomes an OCT member.
If in the future the candidate wishes to receive recognition for an AQ taken under this waiver form, they must register and complete the above course again, in accordance with the policies and fees in effect at that time.
Please note that RECE, DECE, and ECEs are not exempt from Kindergarten Part 1. Kindergarten Part 1 must be completed before enrolling in Kindergarten Part 2. The Part 2 course requires a signed teaching experience form verifying 194 days) and signed by a supervisory officer.
Yes. Candidates can take a maximum of two courses a session to ensure that they meet attendance expectations and ETFO’s assessment and evaluation criteria.
The Canadian Revenue Agency requires Social Insurance Numbers be included on the tax receipt (T2202 Tuition and Enrollment Certificate). For more information about this policy change, please visit the CRA website.
A T2202 Tuition and Enrollment Certificate is issued to all candidates who paid tuition and fees for qualifying courses. The Tuition and Enrollment Certificate allows candidates to claim a tax credit on their Canadian income tax return.
If you have completed studies that make you eligible for an AQ equivalency, you will need to contact the Ontario College of Teachers. Equivalent Standing requests must be submitted to and approved by the OCT.
See the form and the process for submission.
The course fee for all ETFO AQs is $650.00 per course (tax deductible). This includes a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee. The French as a Second Language Proficiency test is $90.00 and is not tax deductible.
To register for an ETFO AQ course, please visit and within the course calendar, select the course that you would like to enroll in. Once there, click on the Register Now button.
Your Ontario College of Teachers number, SIN, and date-of-birth is required at time of registration.
If you do not have an ETFO-AQ account, you will need to create one. If you need assistance with registering, please contact
Registration for ETFO AQ courses is done online. Payment is due at time of registration; we accept all major credit cards and PayPal.
Please click on the register button for further information. If you need assistance with registering, please contact
ETFO AQ does not provide transcripts as we are not a post secondary institution. Successful Completion letters are sent upon successful completion of the course.
A Statement of Professional Standing can be requested from the Ontario College of Teachers.
If you are enrolled in a Part 2 and have previously submitted a teaching experience form for a Part 2 course verifying 194 days of teaching experience, there is no need to submit an additional form.
If you are enrolled in a Specialist course, you will need to submit a teaching experience form for each Specialist course taken as one year of teaching experience must be in the applicable course subject area.
The academic supervisory officer is a superintendent or assistant superintendent of your school board. For a teacher employed by a private school or First Nations Education Authority, the supervisory officer is the Ministry of Education official appointed to provide supervisory services for the school authority. Contact the Field Services Branch, Ministry of Education for more information.
You will need a Supervisory Officer’s signature on your experience forms for Part 2, and Specialist courses. Without this form, ETFO is unable to submit to the Ontario College of Teachers.
All educators must contact the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO) to find out the requirements for an increase in salary.
Yes, all educators who are members of the Ontario College of Teachers are welcome to enroll in our AQs. Prospective candidates should ensure they meet the prerequisites prior to enrolling in a course. Please see the OCT course prerequisites page for more details.
An AQ course refers to an Additional Qualification course. These courses are designed to provide ongoing professional learning in a subject or topic. ETFO is accredited to offer one part AQ courses and three part AQ courses.
An ABQ course refers to an Additional Basic Qualification course. These courses are designed to give teachers certification to teach in another division. ETFO does not provide ABQ courses – only an Ontario faculty of education may provide these courses.
Please refer to the Ontario College of Teachers’ website for more information on AQ and ABQ courses:
To register for an ETFO AQ course you must be a member in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and have a permanent or temporary OCT teaching certificate.
We do not accept unsolicited applications for AQ instructors. Check the ETFO website for any current calls for instructors which are posted there when we identify a need for instructors.
If you are contemplating applying to be an ETFO AQ instructor at some time in the future, please be advised that you will be required to meet all the following criteria in order to be considered:
- Current ETFO member.
- Experience/expertise in the subject area(s) for which you are applying (e.g., special education, math, Kindergarten).
- Candidates should have two or more subject areas of expertise and/or related Masters work.
- Experience/expertise facilitating adult learning.
- Experience/expertise with online learning, particularly the Desire to Learn (D2L) platform.
- Involvement with ETFO (at the Local and/or Provincial level).
Courses that require a textbook will be marked with an asterisk.
All ETFO AQ courses are asynchronous and consist of 125 hours of work. If a synchronous session is scheduled by the instructor during the course, participation is optional.
ETFO AQ uses a secure portal to distribute T2202 Tuition and Enrollment Certificates. Please refer to your end of course email for information. Please note that T2202 Tuition and Enrollment Certificates are made available after the end of the calendar year, the following January.
Our Secure Portal can be accessed from the navigation bar within the ETFO AQ D2L Learning Platform.
The ETFO provincial office does not offer subsidies, but you can contact your ETFO local office or the Ontario Teachers Federation to see if funding is available.
Please note that RECE, DECE, and ECEs are not exempt from Kindergarten Part 1. You will need to complete Kindergarten Part 1 before enrolling in Kindergarten Part 2.
Yes, ETFO AQ will allow RECE, DECE, and ECEs to take Kindergarten Part 1 or Primary Part 1 if a Recommendation Waiver Agreement form is submitted at the time of registration to Please note (R/D)ECEs are not exempt from Kindergarten Part 1. candidates need to complete Kindergarten Part 1 before enrolling in Kindergarten Part 2.
Under this condition, ETFO AQ will not report successful completion of the course to the Ontario College of Teachers now, or at any time in the future, even if the candidate becomes an OCT member.
If in the future the candidate wishes to receive recognition for an AQ taken under this waiver form, they will be required to register in and complete the above course again, in accordance with the policies and fees in effect at that time.
Yes. However, to ensure that you meet attendance expectations and ETFO AQ’s assessment and evaluation criteria, candidates are only able to take a maximum of two courses during any fall, winter, spring or summer session.
The Canadian Revenue Agency requires Social Insurance Numbers be included on the T2202 Tuition and Enrollment Certificate. For more information about this policy change, please visit the CRA website.
A T2202 Tuition and Enrollment Certificate is issued to all candidates who paid tuition and fees for qualifying courses. The Tuition and Enrollment Certificate allows candidates to claim a tax credit on their Canadian income tax return.
Schedule C are one-session AQ courses and Schedule D are three-session AQ programs offered as Part 1, Part 2 and Specialist courses. A listing of all Schedule C and D courses can be found on the OCT website.
At the end of each session, ETFO AQ will submit the AQ to the College at the end of each session. It can then take the OCT up to 16 weeks for the Additional Qualification to appear on your teaching certificate. Please visit the OCT website to read more about service delays.
Note, the OCT manually reviews submissions for candidates with terms on conditions on their teaching certificates; therefore, it may take longer than 16 weeks in these instances.
If you think that you might have completed studies that make you eligible for an AQ equivalency, you will need to contact the Ontario College of Teachers. Equivalent Standing requests must be submitted to and approved by the OCT.
Please see the form and the process for submission.